Good day from Mcburn's Kampong Kitchen to all of you and get new recipe for you to try it at home. "Enjoy cooking and live life"

Nama Botani : Cleome gynandra L
Famili : Capparaceae
Benefit of eating the vegetable /Khasiat Sayur Maman:
Contain the best source of a lots of minerals/ Maman mengandung khasiat makanan yang tinggi.
For 100 gm of edible part of maman contains:/ Dalam tiap-tiap 100 gram (g) bahagian yang boleh dimakan.
Sayur Maman Masak Lemak Cili Api
Ingredient / Bahan2- 2 Bundle of Maman or Capparaceae Gynandra / 2 Ikat Sayur Maman (RM2.00)biasa seikat.
- 50 gm Dried Anchovy / 50 gm Ikan Bilis
- 400ml Fresh Coconut Milk / 400ml Santan Segar
- 1" Fresh Turmeric / 1" Kunyit Segar
- 20 Hot Chilly / 20 biji Cili Api/Padi
- 1 piece of Dried Gelugor/1 Keping Asam Gelugor
- Salt to Taste / Garam secukup rasa.
- Clean the Maman leaf from any foreign residue or dirt and randomly cut to about 4" in length / Bersihkan sayur maman dari kekotoran dan dipotong sekitar 4" panjang.
- Anchovy, clean and pound it in a stone mortal to slightly crush it/ Bersihkan ikan bilis dan di tumbuh separa lumat.
- In a stone mortar, pound Turmeric and hot chilli into a rough paste./ Tumbuk Kunyit dan Cili Api hingga ke peringkat separa - hancur.
- In a wok with the lowest level of heat add in all the pounded ingredients of turmeric,bit of salt and hot Chilli/Panaskan kuali atau belanga pada tahap api paling rendah, masukan bahan yang ditumbuk, kunyit ,sedikit garam dan Cili Api.
- Add in the coconut milk, and stir constantly, mixing until boil,upon first indication of boiling add the Maman, lower the heat to medium level / Masukan Santan Kelapa segar dan kacau serta gaul berterusan sehingga mendidih, Masukan sayur Maman bila kelihatan didihan yang pertama dan kecilkan api pada tahap sederhana selama 5-6 minit lagi.
- Add in the Asam keping and salt to taste / Masukan asam keping dan garam
- Stir slowly until boil for another 3-4 minutes / Kacau terus sehingga mendidih kembali selama 3-4 minit.
- Now you serve together with rice / bolehlah dihidangkan.
This is a Maman of the Capparacea Gynandra / Like herbs typical cook for the health benefit it has.
Famili : Capparaceae
Benefit of eating the vegetable /Khasiat Sayur Maman:
Contain the best source of a lots of minerals/ Maman mengandung khasiat makanan yang tinggi.
For 100 gm of edible part of maman contains:/ Dalam tiap-tiap 100 gram (g) bahagian yang boleh dimakan.
- Maman Mineral contain Water (88.3 gm) Protein (4.1gm) : /ManMaman mengandungi air 88.3 g, protein (4.1 g), lemak
- (0.5 g), Carbohydrate/ karbohidrat (3.5 g), Fiber /Serat (1.8 g), Calcium/kalsium (275 mg), Phosphorous/ fosforus (28 mg), Ferum/ferum (8.1 mg), natrium (16 mg), kalium (269 mg), karotena (5,816 ug), vitamin A (969 ug), vitamin B1 (0.14 mg), vitamin B2 (0.24mg), niasin (1.4 mg) dan vitamin C (72. mg
Assalamualaikum, dear brother...
ReplyDeleteMasya-Allah...! You can cook! Considering how modern men lead their lifestyles nowadays, you are way above them! Alhamdulillah!
These are all mouthwatering dishes! My all time favourites!
May Allah bless you always for sharing such a wonderful recipe with us all. I am going to try some of them real soon, Insya-Allah.
JazakAllahu khair.
السلام عليكم
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting Ati,at time we need to go back from where came from,beside Allah SWT and Rasul SAW, motherly an everlasting remembrance.